

4 functional actions

  • Promotes microcirculation
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage
  • Eliminates amorphous and degenerated collagen and hyaluronic acid
  • Mobilises excess fat

Cellulite is a progressive degeneration of the connective tissue caused by alterations in the microcirculation involving the hypodermis and resulting in poor tissue oxygenation.

The consequence is water retention, degeneration of collagen and hyaluronic acid and hypertrophy of adipose tissue.

The fat cells become enlarged, forming macronodules with the resultant upward thrust of the epidermis with the formation of depressions or introflections that are concentrated particularly in the hips, buttocks and thighs. The result is the effect known as ‘orange peel skin’.

The constant use of SYALODERM POLYENZYMATIC GEL ensures an effective intensive treatment to counteract and reduce the conspicuous imperfections of Cellulite, from ‘orange peel’ to ‘mattress’ skin, thus helping your silhouette to rid itself of irregularities and unwanted pads.